Name Description Instructor 1st Semester 2nd Semester Full Year Material/Book Fee
A01 社交舞 Social dance for parents Dandan Xie $150 $170 $245 $0
A02 象棋 Chess Charles Xiao $150 $170 $245 $0
A03 儿童创意画 (k-3年级) Children's Creative Drawing 吴赟 $150 $170 $245 $0
A04 古筝-网课 Chinese Zither-online class Lei Gu $150 $170 $245 $0
A06 Advance Math 张明朗 $150 $170 $245 $0
A08 英文阅读课-网课 English Reading-online class Sarah $150 $170 $245 $0

*CVCS reserves the right to cancel any class if its size is less than 5 or staff is not available.

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